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Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Overheard at the gun shop

I really need to start spending more time at the gun shop than I already do... I'd have so much more to blog about. Heard this little exchange from the two guys behind the counter the other day...

Gun counter commando #1: "Really? 9mm is more powerful than .38 special?"

Gun counter commando #2: "Yeah, 9mm moves along at a higher velocity. Go look at the numbers on the ammo box."

Gun counter commando #1: "Wow. I've been wrong about that for a long time. I've been telling people it was the other way around."


  1. lol, like any gun shop employees know anything.
    I could tell so many stores.

    1. Put a write up together, I'll post it on the blog.

  2. Id rather read stories but if you list stores it would be ok to, so I could avoid them.
