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Friday, February 24, 2012

Ruger MK III

In case you already didnt know that the Ruger .22s are awesome, Whitey (thats racist!) puts together a nice read on the MK III.

*Exit Question: Which is more racist-er... "Whitey" or "Monkey"?

*If only there were some great arbiter of race that we could consult on the matter... it would also help if he were a reverend or something.


  1. I really want one but I want a .22lr handgun that has a higher capacity. One would think because the cartridge is so small that you could have much higher capacity.

    1. There are a few pistols out there with 12 round capacities. 22LR is a very difficult round to stack up in magazines beyond 10 or 12, so the engineers say. Magazine design is very tricky.

      The simple answer to the problem is to buy more mags.

  2. My Mark III (the $350 standard model) is my favorite gun to plink with at the range. It eats cheap bulk ammo all day long in spite of the fact that I haven't cleaned it in several thousand rounds.
