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Monday, September 27, 2010

D.A.’s witness in Erik Scott case a possible campaign donor

Over at The Gun Counter, we learn that A man named Christopher Villareale is one of the big witnesses for the D.A. in the Erik Scott case:
Christopher Villareale testified that he watched the entire confrontation unfold after being one of the last shoppers to leave the store. He said he heard an officer order Scott to get on the ground and saw Scott lift his shirt and pull a handgun from his waistband.

“I honestly thought that civilians were going to get shot,” Villareale said.

The officer probably saw Scott as a threat to himself and the dozens of people milling around the front doors, he said.

“He’s probably thinking this guy is going to harm me or these customers, and I thought he did the right thing in shooting him,” he said.

Looks like he may be a campaign donor. Here is the document.

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