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Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Gun lobby? Don't you mean human rights organizations?

Here is a nice little read.

For example, Korwin suggests replacing the conversational phrases on the left with those on the right:

pro-gun -----> pro-rights
anti-gun -----> anti-self-defense
Second Amendment -----> Bill of Rights
concealed carry -----> discreet carry
gun lobby -----> civil rights organizations
gun rights -----> civil rights, human rights
handgun -----> sidearm
gun-control laws -----> illegal infringements
anti-gun -----> anti-rights, anti-gun bigotry
You can download Alan Korwin's complete article here.

In the meantime, I've added a few ideas to Alan's list:

hollow-point ammo -----> self-defense cartridges
gun -----> family firearm
concealed carry -----> lawful possession
firing range -----> training site
gun rights -----> guaranteed right to protect family
gun rights -----> Biblical/ancient/universal right of self-defense
gun ban -----> violation of civil rights
shoot someone -----> stop rape or murder in progress
deadly force -----> stop rape or murder in progress
gun-free zone -----> criminal protection area

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