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Monday, September 27, 2010

New York gun club hassling their own members over black rifles

Debate heats up over Elbridge gun club rules for 'black rifles' and other semi-automatics

The rules addressed club members’ concerns about disturbingly loud and in some cases unsafe shooting by members owning semi-automatic, military-type rifles — such as AK-47s or AR-15s.
“We had members who were mag dumping — shooting 30-round magazine clips with their AKs. You can’t shoot like that here,” said Ron Rosen, president of the 800-member Elbridge club located off Laird Road.

The rules, set by a club that recently won a noise-related lawsuit filed against it by neighbors, read:
“In an effort to reduce noise leaving the club grounds, all semi-automatic medium to large caliber rifles are to use the upper range. Only two shooters at a time and no more than 10 rounds in 30 seconds per shooter with a 1 minute pause between shooters/magazine changes. We are trying to be proactive about the noise before it becomes an issue. Your support is greatly appreciated.”

After the rules were posted, Elbridge club officials had two meetings to try to iron out a compromise with members who opposed the restrictions. The process culminated with a packed Sept. 1 meeting at which 23 members had their memberships revoked and were banned from the grounds by a vote of the club membership at the meeting.

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