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Tuesday, May 17, 2011

.22 as a defensive caliber

There is a nice discussion going on over at TTAG.

My opinion on the matter is this...

Yes, .22 lr (and .22 Mag) is a very deadly round, but I am of the opinion that it should never be your primary defensive weapon.

Now, in the extreme heat of the summer months when all you ever want to have on is a speedo I have been known to walk around town with nothing more then a Kel-Tec P32 in my pocket (which will essentially give you about the same punch as a .22lr out of a rifle with the added benefit of a quality .32 caliber hollow point). On some occasions I will back that up with a Sterling Arms .22 lr in my other pocket, and sometimes I will even carry said .22 as a third gun when I feel so inclined.

The thing about .22 caliber is that, while it is deadly, its not really a man stopper. Yes, it might kill your attacker... but he might not be dead until 3 hours later in the emergency room. Of course, shot placement is key. Head shots will get the job done (ask all those countless dead beef cows and the 700 lb gators on Swamp People) so will shots to other vital areas, but center mass shots might not cut it. So, if the person with the .22 is an experienced shooter who is cool, calm, and collected enough to put the shots where they count... then yes, a .22 might get the job done. However, if you can carry/shoot/have access to a better round, then use it! A .22 is better then nothing and I would personally rather have one then a knife, but your mileage may vary.

Fill Yer Hands also has a post up right now on this subject matter... go check it out.

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