Ahhhh... The Ruger 77/357. I think it has a lot of potential. Its a handy little size and weight, but there is one thing about it that is a deal breaker for me..... I dont like the fact that it is a bolt action (but you would have known that already if you were following along on the Twitter Net).
I think the most obvious applications for a gun of this size/weight is to be a utilitarian rifle of sorts - home defense/pig slayer/truck gun. In all of those applications, I would rather it have been a semi auto (ideally) or even pump or lever. Honestly, I would put down my money tomorrow and buy one except for the simple fact that it is a bolt action. Thats just a deal breaker for me.
*Also important to note is that Ruger stated on the Facebook page the other day that you can't shoot .38 special rounds in this gun.... Rim lock.
**Ruger has a few videos up here