If there’s anything to be said for likability and comfortability of a gun like this, I believe I’ve said it. Concealed Carry guns that are both comfortable, powerful and accurate can be extremely difficult to find in entirety. We often find one that carries well but is a drag to shoot. Then there are the others that shoot incredibly but don’t conceal well or feel terrible in the hand (Check out Summer Concealed Carry Suggestions Part 1 and Part 2 for some of our favorites in this area). In the Ruger LCR, you’ll find all three. Maybe you’re a person who prefers auto pistols over revolvers. If that’s you, then you wouldn’t be disappointed to consider the LCR as your first revolver for carry. The trigger is better than you’ll find on most DAO pistols and, and the grip angle and “point and shoot” capabilities feel like that of many compact autos.
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Haus of Guns Reviews LCR
Yep, The Haus puts together a great write up about the .38 special version of the Ruger LCR.