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Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Things idiots say on The Internet

These guys are hilarious....

As a violence policy advocate, it’s important to note that none of what I write is personal conjecture but instead comes from the study of statistics
­, polls, and opinion found through research of web sites on the Internet. This is proof positive that we need more gun control laws. With more laws that restrict assault weapons of mass destructio­n, register sales, and ban assault clips that make everyone a target, then those men would have been stopped before they sent 10’s of thousands of guns to Mexico. If the US were to adopt strict laws like those in Mexico where it is nearly impossible for anyone to get a gun, then our neighbors would not have to suffer because of our insane gun show loopholes. Again, this is not personal conjecture but is verified by comments made by members of Congress who we should just trust to always look after our best interests.