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Friday, January 13, 2012

Bloggers and Other Online Media at SHOT Show 2012

Chris Dolnack, Senior Vice President and CMO, National Shooting Sports Foundation has put together a really good perspective on why social media and the blogosphere matter. They are the lessons that have been long ago learned by other companies/industries, but that are just now starting to take root in the firearms, shooting, hunting, etc industries.

Its a nice read, and one that I mentioned a while back on the Social Media Nets (go figure!).... well, now the comments section is really starting to heat up after Paul Helinski of Guns America had some controversial stuff to say about limiting Gun Bloggers access at SHOT Show.

BTW, Paul- Nobody reads a damn word that you all say over there nor do they take any stock in the opinions and suggestions that you make. In fact, no one on the planet even knows that you guys actually run a blog... all those hits that you are bragging about come from the retail side of your site. You really created a major public relations fiasco for your company, and just isolated a very large customer base. I seriously doubt that anyone who is a regular blog reader is ever going to do business with Guns America again.

Exit Question: How's that for "moving at the speed of now", Paul?


  1. He really should have read the article before he commented. Then again, some did link to his site...

  2. I'm doing my part to give them a little bit of traffic... lol

  3. Already followed up at HoG too. Will do what I can to get the Gunny on video saying "Paul Helsinki is a jackwagon
