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Friday, April 20, 2012

Smith and Wesson Shield Spotted in the Wild

Yep, they are already starting to show up in gun shops and big box retailers. RTB has some great pics up... here... of one that he got to fondle. You can pre-order one here for $387.99

I am so glad to see gun companies finally realizing that they need to have these new product launches ready to sell as soon as they are announced. Smith and Wesson gets it, and so does Ruger. Great job!


  1. Yep, took a look at the 9mm yesterday at the LGS, very sweet! Never owned a striker gun, but as soon as the .40 is out, I'm putting in an order!

  2. Yeah I got to hold one yesterday. I was surprised at how good it felt in my hands. I have HUGE hands and was expecting my pinky to hang off and it didnt. I would consider one of these. Its defiantly a carry gun, I have no idea how my hand would feel after a whole day of shooting this little guy.
